How To Tell Your Pet Is Sick
Pets are just like the family members. You love them and care for them
By Manoj Kumar Singh
Pets are just like the family members. You love them and care for them. But the most common mistake that majority of pet owner do is that they give minimal focus on the health of their pets. Many owners keep a strict control on the hygiene of their pet and give them nutrient rich diet.
However, the problem that occurs is that pet may still fall ill and you may completely ignore the symptoms. In most cases of minor health issues, the pet recovers with some rest even when you do not give any treatment to them.
Vaccination is a very good option to ensure maximum protection of your pet. For this, you need to consult your veterinarians, who will advice you as per your pet. Even vaccination is not a complete protection.
You need to know about common diseases your pet can have. This varies whether you have dog, cat, hamster, parrot or any other animal or bird. Adding to this the breed of your animal or bird also determines its immunity and disease types.
As a pet owner, you need to be well aware of your pet’s breed, common eating habits, seasonal diseases and physical aspects as you will keep an eye on any child.
To help you love your pet more and take care, we bring to you few tips that will help you know your pet is sick.
Your Pet Starts Behaving Differently- Normally every pet is very happy to see the owner but if sick, they will not respond the same way and will be low in energy. You will notice they behave differently than what they normally do.
You may also see them difficulty in breathing, walking or not standing. If you see this signs call your veterinarian.
Their Body Temperature Is Abnormal- Ok! Now when you see that your pet is behaving bit differently it is time to do same you will do with your kids. Measure their temperature. Normal temperature of a dog is around 99.5 to 102.5 degree Fahrenheit. If temperature varies from this range, consult the veterinarian.
Your Pet Is Vomiting- Sometimes animals vomit to discard something that is not appropriate. It is natural if you leave them outside and they have eaten something. However, continuous vomiting can lead to dehydration and can be an indication for trouble. See what they are vomiting and call your veterinarian.
They Are Not Eating Properly- When the animals are sick they do not eat properly. Sometimes stop drinking water. They may urinate frequently with foul odor. This may indicate issues related to kidney or diabetes. There may be urinary tract infection too. Sometime stomach worms also lead to change in behavior of the animal.

Conclusion- If your animal is sneezing, coughing or has diarrhea, it is an indication of illness. You need to keep an eye on the gums colors as they change if the health is not good. Healthy animals have reddish gums. Watery stool means stomach problem.
Many times animals detach themselves from their owner and go somewhere alone. This is a very strong sign they are not well, as they try to protect you from their sickness.
You pet loves you more than their life and will do anything to take care of you. But as a pet owner if you really love your pet you need to know when they are sick and also take care of their treatment.
You can keep track of their regular vaccinations and medicine prescribed to them. You should also know what medicine suits them and food that keeps them healthy. After all a healthy pet will always love you more and be there for you when you need them.