How To Prevent Disease Transmission From Animals

Year 2020 has come with this century’s most dangerous global health crisis. The highly infectious novel corona virus (Covid19) has already killed thousands of people globally. The number is continuously growing. It is an example of zoonosis. Zoonosis is infectious diseases that are transmitted from animals to humans. The disease causing agents are always bacteria, viruses or other parasites.

About 60% of the infectious diseases originated from other animals. Animals and humans are living for centuries together. Various studies indicate that presence of pet helps improve the overall health of a person adding to good mental health. Also, we are dependent on animals for food in the form of meat, egg and milk etc. There are various other items that come from animals.

Mode of spreading of zoonotic diseases from animals to people

1.    Exposure to aerosol- Similar to corona virus that spreads through oral droplets many organisms spread through air or contaminated surfaces through coughing, sneezing, touching eyes and mouth etc.        

2.    Exposure to fecal waste- While cleaning the waste of the animal and not cleaning the hands properly the microscopic eggs, cysts,  viruses and bacteria are shed into the feces enter the body of the person through mouth. This spreads the infection from the infected animal.

3.    Exposure to skin- Scratches, Bites from the animals, bites from insects, pus or any shed from infected animal when in contact with the skin that is not cleaned on time or properly can cause infection. Generally, the disease transmits directly from animal to human or through fomites (contaminated objects).

Preventing diseases spreading from Pets/ Animals to People:

1.    Maintaining Hygiene- You need to keep good hygiene personally and also of your animals. Make sure their housing is also clean and sanitized properly from time to time. While cleaning the animal house and fecal matter, wear gloves and farm specific clothes as needed. Wash hands after handling them.

2.   Vaccination- As an owner you should know the diseases your pet can get and be alert for that. As season changes the attack from different pathogens increases causing diseases. Vaccination is the best way to protect your animal from any seasonal pathogen attack.

3.    Proper Treatment- On diagnosis the infected animal should get proper treatment. Any symptoms of excessive sneezing, saliva secretion or loss of appetite means something is not well. Inform the veterinarian about the symptoms of the animal time to time.  The best treatment is keeping your pet or animal healthy through healthy food, nutrition supplements and proper exercise.

4.  Isolation- Be alert near sick animals and take note of their health condition. In herds the best option is to separate them from rest of the animals because that prevents spread of the disease into healthy animals and care takers.

Veterinary Insurance:  In most cases farmers and even other pet owners go for indigenous treatment for their pets and animals as it is cheap. In some cases animal does recover for little time period but disease may reappear. The reason is very high cost of treatment for the animals. Some people even release their pets into the wild or on the street to die without treatment.

This is more dangerous as it can infect animals in large number. The best way is to have a small insurance of your pet and animal too. As pets are part of your family they need same love and protection as other members. For farmers loss of their animal means loss of their income this insurance protect their animals and them in long run.

Conclusion- Please note that this article of to help people understand in a better way how zoonotic diseases spread and what are the simple precautions that  can help prevent spreading them. Pets and cattle do not spread disease directly but when sick themselves.

As their owner you need to take care of them and ensure they are healthy. Adding to this their place of living should also be clean. The most important thing is your own immunity that needs to be strong to combat any disease attack from any source.

Do remember that your pets and other animals you domesticate love you unconditionally, but depend on you for their care as they are unable to do so.

Proper food and preventive checkups are great steps to keep them healthy and share the love.  And if possible get an insurance done for your animals too, to protect from any financial loss.